Problem Description: Elaborate the Problem you are solving.

Domain / Location: Workspace / Domain you are in.

QAD Version: QAD working version (eg: QAD2-2016)

Priority: (Urgent / High / Medium / Low) Impact of the issue on current process.

Module: Module details like, Purchasing / Manufacturing / EDI / Distribution.


Root cause: Explain the root cause of the issue / incident.

Solution: Provide the details or steps you have set-up / changed / suggested as a part of solution.

Functions Impacted: Menu Number which will be impacted.

Developer / Agent: Name of the Agent.


Resolution Document need to be filled by every Developer or Agents before marking the Help Desk ticket status as Resolved or Closed. This will help to track the issue and also help Developer or any individual in future to resolve if similar issue occurs.

Resolution Document needs to be attached as a note at the end of the tickets referring the HD ticket number,

eg: Resolution-XXXXX (XXXXX is your Help Desk Ticket Number)

Attached are the Resolution Template and Resolution Sample for reference.